I forgive myself for my own perceived faults and mistakes. I do not judge myself and I choose to treat…
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Quotes and Affirmations Relationships
15 Positive and Healing Affirmations to Help You Through a Breakup
Here are some of the BEST EVER Breakup Advice, advice that’s actually helpful and makes sense. You might also like:15…
Quotes and Affirmations
The Biggest List Of Powerful Affirmations – 200+ Affirmations (And Counting)
200+ affirmations for positivity, wealth, abundance, mental strength, confidence and self-respect.
I am perfect just the way I am. I am not perfect, and I don’t care. Why should I be?…
Affirmations for Beginners I am not perfect, but neither is so and so. If my friends can do this, then…
Confidence and Self-Esteem Quotes and Affirmations
The Power of Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Self-esteem
What are affirmations? Affirmations are short statements designed to give us confidence, make us feel positive, motivate us, or simply…
I’ve created 7 days worth of affirmations to print on A4 paper. LOVE, PEACE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, KINDNESS, GRATITUDE, RESPECT You…