Quotes and Affirmations

The Biggest List Of Powerful Affirmations – 200+ Affirmations (And Counting)

list of powerful affirmations

200+ affirmations for positivity, wealth, abundance, mental strength, confidence and self-respect.

How do affirmations work?

“The mind is like a border collie, it needs to work, or else it will cause an outrageous amount of trouble. Give your mind a job to do, or else it will find a job to do, and you might not like the job it invents.” – Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

Like a child that has a crayon and a bag of sweets, your mind is constantly running around screaming at the top of it’s metaphorical lungs while drawing on the walls and basically causing chaos and destruction.

You can’t stop it.

But what you can do is at least redirect all that energy from negative to positive.

In other words, you replace all the negative affirmations that your brain is ALREADY doing, with positive affirmations. 

Think of affirmations as reminders to your subconscious mind that life isn’t really as bad as you think it is.

You are basically fighting your fears and insecurities with short, catchy phrases or statements, and in doing so, you are forcing your mindset to shift from negative to positive.

Or alternatively you can use affirmations to remind yourself what you are trying to achieve, for example, “I eat healthy and exercise regularly so I look great in my swimsuit”.

You can also use it when facing challenges or difficult times in your life.

Repeating statements such as “I know I am strong enough to get through this” is a powerful way to practice being patient and resilient.

Can affirmations change your brain?


Positive affirmations teaches your mind and your brain a new way to think about the world.

Like with any new skill, new pathways are created in your brain to enable you to complete the task quicker and more efficiently.

How do you create your own positive affirmation?

Below you will find a giant list of positive affirmations for all types of scenarios.

But if you want to create your own positive affirmations, which I highly encourage, there are some things to consider.

In general, a good or positive affirmation follows these rules:

  1. Use positive wording and avoid negative phrases such as can’t or  won’t.
  2. Focus only on today. The future doesn’t exist. 
  3. Target a specific pain point.  
  4. Make it short and catchy. In other words, make it powerful.
  5. Speak with intention and meaning.
  6. Repeat the words regularly, at least once daily.
  7. Speak it, hear it, write it, see it.
  8. Focus on one or 2 problems at a time. You can’t fix everything that’s wrong in your life all at once.

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list of powerful affirmations

What can you use affirmations for?

Repeating a quick and catchy affirmation to yourself is a powerful way to change your mindset.

You can use affirmations to:

  • Attract wealth, abundance and prosperity
  • Become more confident
  • Feel joy and happiness
  • Remind yourself of all your accomplishments
  • Remind yourself that you can accomplish great things
  • Reprogram your subconscious to be less fearful
  • Override negative beliefs
  • Build positive beliefs
  • Remind yourself of past success
  • Remind yourself that you will again achieve success in a new goal
  • Remind yourself of your dreams and why you are doing something
  • Encourage yourself to follow your dreams
  • Overcome an insecurity
  • Reprogram yourself to see the world as wonderful instead of ugly
  • Feel more free 
  • Attract opportunities and success
  • Remind yourself of your own power

What is a good daily affirmation?

Daily affirmations are more general, and helps you start your day on a positive note.

Use them first thing in the morning to set the tone for the rest of the day.

  • I am worth it
  • I am enough, just the way I am!
  • I promise not to let myself down today
  • Today I will make myself proud, and every day after that
  • I deserve a great life

Daily Powerful Affirmations

  • I forgive myself for my own perceived faults and mistakes. I do not judge myself and I choose to treat myself with kindness and compassion.
  • There is nothing wrong with my emotions. I accept them and I move on.
  • I am not my thoughts. I let the bad thoughts go without dwelling on them.
  • I give myself permission to do what is right for me. To take time for myself, and to put energy into things that matter to me.
  • I put myself first. This does not mean I do not care about others, just that I care about myself first.
  • I am growing every day, I am learning about myself and I am becoming at peace in my own skin. And I am learning that I am pretty amazing.
  • I trust my own judgement and intuition.  The voice inside me is wise and clever, and knows what is best for me.
  • I love myself and I respect myself. This means saying NO to some people who don’t respect me.
  • I am normal. There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with how I think or see the world. I am a normal human being. I am perfect the way I am.
  • I deserve the best that life can give me. I  deserve to have a good career, a loving partner, a healthy body and mind, and a happy life.
  • I respect myself. I  treat myself with respect, and I expect others to do the same.
  • Even good people have bad days. I am not a bad person for having a bad day. Bad days are merely part of life.
  • I am at peace, from within and without. I am calm and I am happy.
  • I love my body. It is strong and healthy and beautiful and part of me.
  • I am enough, just as I am. Enough to be loved. Enough to be respected. I am enough.

Positive Affirmations

  • Life is great
  • I am in charge of my own life. I make it better with every choice and decision
  • My life is great and getting better every day
  • I am pretty awesome
  • I am great at my job
  • I am funny
  • People enjoy my company
  • A positive mind makes for a positive life
  • I am successful in everything I do
  • Mistakes are opportunities to learn and get better
  • I can do anything I set my mind to
  • I am in control of my emotions, thoughts, decisions and life
  • I make choices and decisions that are good for me
  • I prioritize myself and my health in all way
  • I am well respected and loved by others
  • There is so much love and joy in my life
  • I don’t allow obstacles to overwhelm me. I take a breath, and I overcome.
  • I am grateful for all the wonderful things in my life
  • I am funny and smart and intelligent and pretty
  • I am a great catch for the right person
  • I am strong, I will get through this
  • I love myself and I respect myself
  • I have achieved great things in my life,
  • I am capable of great things
  • I am proud of myself
  • I am so happy to be me, there is no-one else quite as awesome as I am
  • I spend my energy on my great future, not my poor past
  • I don’t repeat the mistakes from the past
  • I believe in myself
  • I make mistakes, but that’s OK. I am only human. But I only make them once!
  • I don’t spend my energy on drama and judgement
  • Bad situations do not stress me because I know I can handle anything
  • I am one of those lucky people who only have good things happen to them
  • I am at peace, from within and without. I am calm and I am happy.
  • I love my body. It is strong and healthy and beautiful and part of me.
  • I am enough, just as I am. Enough to be loved. Enough to be respected. I am enough.
  • I deserve the best that life can give me. I  deserve to have a good career, a loving partner, a healthy body and mind, and happy life.
  • I put myself first. This does not mean I do not care about others, just that I care about myself first. 
  • I am growing every day, I am learning about myself and I am becoming at peace in my own skin. And I am learning that I am pretty amazing.
  • I trust my own judgement and intuition.  The voice inside me is wise and clever, and knows what is best for me.
  • The universe has my back
  • Life is easy
  • I don’t worry about tomorrow as things always work out for the best
  • In the end, I always get what I want
  • Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be even better than today
  • I am exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to do
  • The universe gives me all the opportunities I ask for
  • When one door closes another door opens
  • I can handle whatever life throws at me
  • Success comes easy to me
  • I am proud of everything I have achieved in the past year
  • All good things come to those who are patient
  • I ask, and I receive
  • Anything I did last year, I can do better this year

list of powerful affirmations

Affirmations To Build Self Esteem And Confidence

Affirmations For Self Esteem And Confidence For Beginners

  • I am not perfect, but neither is so and so.
  • If my friends can do this, then I can at least give it a try.
  • I do not know if I can do this, but I will try, and I will give it my best.
  • I try new things, even when I’m unsure if I can succeed.  It allows me to learn and grow.
  • Even when I fail, I remind myself it’s simply another opportunity to learn.
  • I have many great qualities, I should believe in myself more.
  • My boss gives me extra projects because he/she believes I’m good at my job, so I should too.
  • I will build on my strengths.

Affirmations For Self Esteem And Confidence for Intermediate Practitioners

  • I’m not perfect, and I accept that about myself.
  • If my friends can do this, then so can I.
  • I believe in myself and give it my best.
  • Without failure there can be no growth, so I am not afraid of failure anymore.
  • I believe that I can do this. I believe in myself.
  • I believe that I can do the job better than my teammates.
  • I see the strengths in myself and I build on them.

Advanced Affirmations For Self Esteem And Confidence 

  • I am not perfect, and I don’t care.  Why should I be?
  • I don’t need to compare myself to others anymore, I already know my strengths.
  • I got this.
  • Failure no longer bothers me, it’s just another opportunity to learn.
  • Without failure I wouldn’t be such an expert today.
  • I’m successful at everything I do.
  • I’ve already proven I’m the girl for the job.
  • I am great at my job.  Bring on the next project.
  • I know I can do this.
  • I am amazing.
  • I know that I can do anything.
  • I am successful in everything I do.  Fact.

Wealth and Abundance Affirmations

  • Money is like energy. It flows to me quickly and easily.
  • Money is just paper. It has no power other than what I give it.
  • Money loves me. And I love money.
  • Wanting more money doesn’t make me a bad person.
  • Wanting more money doesn’t mean I’m greedy.
  • Me wanting more money doesn’t mean I’m denying someone else money.
  • There is more than enough money in the world for everyone to live comfortably.
  • The more money I have, the more I can look after people I love. That makes money a force for good.
  • Money is not evil. Without money we wouldn’t be able to pay for education, medicine, vaccines, Christmas presents, food or travel. That makes money essential and enjoyable.
  • Money is not evil, people are evil
  • Just because I want more money doesn’t mean I am greedy.
  • Just because I have more money doesn’t mean I will suddenly become greedy or evil. Money can’t change who I am.
  • Money doesn’t define who I am. All it does is make life easier and more fun.
  • Money makes life easier and more fun. Nothing wrong with wanting that.
  • Money might not make you happy, but neither will being poor!

Affirmations for Love & Relationships

  • I deserve to be loved
  • I deserve to be happy
  • This is not my fault
  • I did not do anything wrong
  • I did not deserve to be treated like a doormat and I will never allow someone else to do it again
  • I will never change simply to “keep” someone
  • I am an amazing human being and the right person is out there for me but I have to be patient
  • Sometimes bad things happen to good people
  • I am a good person
  • I am funny and smart and intelligent and pretty
  • I am a great catch for the right person
  • There is nothing wrong with me, sometimes we simply fall out of love with people
  • I am strong, I will get through this
  • I love myself and I respect myself
  • This too shall pass, I will get through this
  • I forgive myself, and I forgive my ex
  • Sometimes we meet the right person, but they are not the right person for us at that moment in time
  • I choose the people I let into my life carefully
  • I only let someone into my life if they deserve my respect
  • I only let someone into my life if they treat me with respect
  • If someone can’t treat me with respect, I walk away. They don’t deserve me.

Affirmations For Standing Up For Yourself

  • I respect myself
  • I deserve respect from others
  • I speak up immediately when someone disrespects me. I do so calmly and politely but I speak up nonetheless.
  • I don’t have to take s**t from people
  • I am the equal of everyone I work with and deserve to be treated as an equal
  • Every time I speak up to insist I am treated with respect, people admire me even more
  • People respect me because I respect myself and stand up for myself
  • When I talk, people listen
  • When someone talks over me, I politely but firmly request that they let me finish
  • Respecting myself means putting my own mental and physical health first.
  • Respecting myself means not working overtime unless it has been agreed officially
  • Respecting myself means not letting other people take credit for my work
  • Respecting myself means not putting up with harassment, bullying, or yelling
  • Respecting myself means also speaking up for other people who don’t have the confidence to speak up
  • Self-respect means I don’t have to explain why I don’t want to work overtime on short notice, or why I take my lunch break
  • I have a right to say NO to requests that make me uncomfortable or to at least raise my concerns
  • I have a right to be treated with respect
  • I have a right to a work environment where I am not harassed, bullied or yelled at
  • Because I respect myself, I treat others with respect whether they deserve it or not because it says more about my behaviour than theirs
  • Self-respect means I do not have to PUT UP with toxic behaviour from others
  • Self-respect means I say no when I need to, and I ask for help when I require it
  • Because I respect myself, I refuse to be friends with those who are toxic to my mental or physical health
  • When I speak up, I do so calmly, politely, yet firmly
  • Because I respect myself, I understand that I deserve to be paid what I am worth
  • I deserve the best that life can give me. I  deserve to have a good career, a loving partner, a healthy body and mind, and a happy life.

list of powerful affirmations

Cheeky and Fun Affirmations

  • I am perfect just the way I am.
  • I am not perfect, and I don’t care.  Why should I be?
  • I rock my own life.
  • Life treats me well and I treat myself well.
  • I smile, and the world smiles with me.
  • Progress is better than perfection.
  • I am amazing in every way.
  • Life is good.
  • Perfection is for ROBOTS,I am HUMAN.
  • Wonder Woman has entered the building.
  • I put the sizzle in HUSTLE.
  • Don’t tell me to be cool, I AM COOL.
  • I (heart) me.

Strong Mind Affirmations

  • I can do this
  • I will get through this
  • I will learn and I will grow
  • Look how much I have lived through already. I can get through anything.
  • I am strong in body and mind
  • I have proven again and again that I am amazing and capable of far more than I realise
  • I know I am afraid, but every time I push through the fear I am so proud of myself
  • I take responsibility for my own life and building a better future
  • I deserve to live a great life, and I will make it happen
  • I am clever and funny and awesome
  • Women want to be me, and men want to be with me!
  • Men want to be me and women want to be with me!
  • I do not allow my thoughts or fears to ruin my day
  • I am large and in charge
  • Who says I can’t! I know I can!
  • I thought I couldn’t get through it, but I took a deep breath, reminded myself that I am strong, and I kept going
  • I don’t give up. I keep going until I succeed.
  • I don’t give any attention to the haters! I don’t allow their drama and judgement to infect me! I have more important things to do.
  • I am building a great life for myself, one day at a time
  • I don’t bother complaining, because I know I have the power to change my own reality
  • I refuse to quit on my dreams
  • I will not give up until I achieve my dreams and goals
  • Only I have the power to create a great life for myself
  • I am a success at everything I do
  • Things always work out for in my favour
  • When the going gets tough, the tough gets going
  • I am stronger than I realise
  • Success is not achieved overnight. So I will not stop until I get there.
  • One step at a time is how I achieve my goals

list of powerful affirmations


All in all, affirmations are a powerful way to help you change your mindset.

You can use affirmations for goal setting, building a positive mindset by injecting positive thoughts into your subconscious, overcoming the past, becoming more grateful, facing tough challenges or just to remind yourself that you deserve a great life full of creativity and happiness.

I personally have used affirmations in many ways over the years to reprogram my subconscious mind.

As a result, my mindset has gone from negative to positive in many areas of my life.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many areas I still need to work on, and the reality is that for some of my deeper and more insidious insecurities I will still be doing my positive affirmations for many years to come.

Words have great power, and the story you tell yourself every morning and every day greatly influences your thoughts and how you see the world. 

In other words, the way you talk to yourself matters, because it creates positive or negative thoughts, those thoughts create emotions which in turn not only shapes your own reality (or what you perceive as reality), but also what you think is possible, or how you interact with others.

If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will get positive results. – Norman Vincent Peale

You cannot build a great life for yourself if you are constantly thinking negative thoughts.

So change your mindset to change your world.

It’s not easy, but I promise, it’s not that hard either.

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