Confidence and Self-Esteem

28 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Body Confidence

how to be confident with your body

Struggling with body confidence?  Here are 28 ways to be more confident with your body.

In today’s world, we are bombarded with idealized versions of men and women, looking absolutely fabulous, thin, beautiful, healthy, with rock hard abs and not a hair out of place.

Let’s face it, it’s human nature to compare ourselves with other people.  But when those people are paid to be so physically perfect, we end up feeling that we simply do not measure up. 

I’m sure most of us, at some point or another, wished we could change at least one thing about our bodies, and most likely the list was a lot longer than just one thing.

We view our bodies as objects with flaws and imperfections which can easily lead to a toxic mindset where we are unhappy and dissatisfied with our physical appearance.

How Can I Feel More Confident In My Body?

To help build body confidence, you first need to accept that your body is yours. You were born with it, it is unique, and belongs to you and you alone. You will never get a 2nd body, and can’t exchange the one you have. You are stuck with it for the rest of your life.

So you might as well accept it, love and care for it like you would a treasured possession.

Second, shift your mindset to understand the purpose of your body.

Human beings evolved over millions of years, men to hunt and women to have children (yes I realise that’s an oversimplification, but stick with me).

It’s also designed to be an instrument or tool for DOING STUFF!  Never in history, until the past few decades, has it been an object to be LOOKED AT.

We’ve forgotten that our bodies were designed to get us places, help us climb stairs, lift boxes, pick up and carry children, and generally enjoy life.

The more you can refocus and shift your mindset to remind yourself of this, the faster you will build up your body confidence.

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how to be confident with your body

28 Top Tips To Feel More Confidence In Your Body

1. Acknowledge that your body is yours

Your body belongs to you and only you.

It is 100% unique. No-one else has one.

Celebrate that uniqueness and love your body!

Besides, it’s not like you can swap it out like you can a car.

2. Imagine what it would feel like in someone else’s body

If you struggle with the previous step, try to imagine what it would be like in someone else’s body.

And I don’t mean a super skinny super model body. A real body.

You might find that it horrifies you.

It’s a well known phenomenon that when patients receive limb transplants, like hands or arms, they will emotionally and mentally reject the limb if it has any tattoos or other significant marks or scars on the skin which they know is not theirs.

The mind struggles to accept something to foreign being part of you.

3. Make a list 3 of your favourite physical attributes and why you like them

Let’s face it, you are constantly making lists of the things you hate about your body.

Well, let’s make a list of some of the things you LIKE about your body.

4. Become more comfortable with being naked

Or in your underwear if you prefer.

5. Pamper yourself

Every now and then make an effort to do something special for you and your body.

It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, but it must be a kindness to yourself.

In other words, treat your body like your best friend.

6. Make an effort with your appearance

It sounds superficial, however, if you look good when you look at yourself in the mirror, then you will automatically feel better.

It’s hard to have any body confidence when you look in the mirror and your hair is all over the place, your clothes are old and don’t fit, and there’s a hole in your shirt.

7. Physical exercise

People often think of exercise as going to the gym, which quite a lot of people hate.

Why not try walking or dance classes?

Exercise is simply about movement, allowing your body to stay strong, pump blood effectively around your organs, releasing tension in your body, and ensuring mobility in your joints.

It doesn’t have to be exhaustive or painful.  It should be something you can enjoy.

The thing about exercise is that it helps you see your body as a tool to do something you enjoy, as opposed to an object to admire.

Besides, there is a ton of scientific evidence about the benefit of exercise for physical and mental health, not to mention the impact it has on the aging process.

how to be confident with your body

8. Tell yourself you look beautiful

I’m a big fan of affirmations. Even if you don’t, be honest now, you are already doing them without realising. Every time you tell yourself something ugly and negative about your body, that’s an affirmation, it’s just a negative one.

So start by practising some body positive affirmations.

9. Compliment yourself

Remind yourself of the things you DO love about your body.

Write them down, say them in the mirror, read them out loud.

10. Stop body-shaming yourself

If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, then why is it OK to say to yourself?

11. Stop criticizing your body

Stop calling yourself ugly and fat! Again, you wouldn’t say it to someone else, so don’t say it to yourself.

12. Remind yourself that no-one is happy with their body not even supermodels

We all have issues with our bodies.  No matter how thin or beautiful some people are, they are just as insecure as you, so don’t think you would be happier if you lost weight or were 10 years younger or a lot prettier.

13. Understand the purpose of your body

Your body is not an object to be admired or desired, it’s a tool meant for the task of “getting you places”.

You have 2 legs so you can walk places, 2 arms so you can pick things up.

Be grateful that your body is able to do those things.

Imagine what life would be like without legs?  How much harder would it be?

When I’m looking for things to thank my body for, I always say thank you for getting me to work, or helping me climb those stairs, and it helps to remind me there is more to the body than just the way it looks!

14. Watch your self-talk

Is your self-talk positive or negative?

Confidence and self-esteem are directly tied to the words we say to each other and to ourselves.

If your brain is a merry-go-round of ugly thoughts and words then start with changing that.

Our thoughts really shape our reality.

15. Shift your mindset

Shift your mindset by understanding that your body is a tool designed for completing tasks, not an object meant for others to admire or desire.

It all starts with changing the way you relate to your body.

In many ways, your body is like a car. It can look ugly or pretty, but if the engine doesn’t run, or if there are no wheels, it’s pretty pointless.

16. Work towards a healthy goal

Instead of trying to lose weight, or worse, sticking your head in the sand and not doing anything about it, take action and start working towards a healthy goal.

Setting a goal and applying some self-discipline in the pursuit of that goal is a great way to build self-esteem and become more confident. And the healthier you become, the happier you will also become with the changes in your body, no matter how small those might appear on the outside.

I have to say, every time in my life I have taken up exercises that make me stronger and fitter, I have felt better, even though physically I might not have been thinner or prettier. Knowing that my body can “do things” (whatever that might be – run up stairs, lift heavy boxes) makes me walk with more of a strut in my step.  It gave me more body confidence for some reason.

I suspect that’s why men, who generally do more weight lifting in the gym versus women who do cardio to lose weight, have a different relationship with their body. They “feel” differently about their body then women do.

Either way, give it a try. What can you lose?

how to be confident with your body

17. Stop comparing yourself to genetically and socially advantaged models

There is a reason Elle, Claudia and Cindy became super models, they had a natural genetic advantage that made them extra beautiful and thin.

You and I don’t. So it’s best we stop comparing ourselves to them.

18. Stop comparing yourself to anyone on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok

Almost everyone is either using some sort of filter that gives them beautiful skin and makes them look thinner, or they are posing in some way to make it appear they are thinner than they are.

They also know how to pose for photos to show off their best angles.

19. Work on your self-confidence

Here are over 90 tips to help you build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as body confidence, are all inextricably linked.

Work on one, and the other will increase as well.

20. Stop weighing yourself

Joe Wicks, Britain’s favourite fitness instructor, calls it the sad step.

And he’s right.  It does make you feel sad and miserable.

Besides, muscle holds more water than fat, that’s why it weighs more, but it takes up less space, so in the end, more muscle and less fat will mean you are heavier, but appear thinner.

You will also be stronger and healthier.

21. Stand up for yourself

The more self-respect you show in other areas of your life, the easier it will be to also respect your body.

22. Start looking after your body

It’s surprising how hard we are on our bodies. We don’t feed it very well. We don’t exercise, we poison it with alcohol or cigarettes or polluted air.

Then we criticize our bodies when it doesn’t do what we want it to do.

Have you ever really tried to look after your body and give it what it needs? Healthy food, kind words, physical exercise to encourage blood flow?

23. Get professional help

In my own family, the older generation can be split into 2 groups, those with good health, and those with poor health.  And for those with poor health, it can be traced directly to neglect and poor lifestyle.

While this is hardly a large scientific study, I feel like those family members who took care of their bodies when they were younger are by far better off in old age. It’s as if old age has more to do with poor lifestyle choices than just the aging process itself.

So look after your body and get all those aches and pains sorted out as soon as possible.

24. You are what you put in your body

Your skin renews itself every 4-6 weeks. Stop putting things on TOP of your skin. Start putting the right food and water INSIDE your body instead.

25. Throw out all your ugly stuff

Throw out anything that doesn’t fit, has holes in it or does not make you feel good when you wear it.

Marie Kondo your wardrobe but instead of looking for happiness, look for stuff that makes you feel good about yourself.

If something gives you a “muffin top” then get rid of it.

If it makes your bum look big, then get rid of it.

Get rid of anything that does not flatter your body type, and only buy or wear a piece of clothing that makes you feel great!

how to be confident with your body

26. Get your clothes fitted

Nothing makes me feel more ugly than poorly fitted clothes. But finding clothes in shops that fit me is practically impossible, so I have had to learn to mend clothes to fit my body. However there are shops that will do this for you, and most dry-cleaners offer a similar service.

Having quality clothes that you look and feel great in will really bump up your body confidence.

27. Get a makeover

I don’t know about you, but when my hair is bad, I have no confidence. Every time I look in the mirror I am reminded of how awful I look.

I can deal with the grey hair and the wrinkles. Those are natural and part of getting older. Everyone gets them.

But what I cannot deal with is a bad haircut or blow dry.

Some people feel the same about their nails. Whatever is your “thing”, get it sorted.

28. Examine your reasons for your negative body image

Do you have a distorted idea of what the human body should look like?  Is your body image tied to some childhood event, abuse or bullying?  Do you binge eat for emotional comfort then starve yourself as punishment?

Finding out what is really driving your negative perception of yourself, or your self-destructive behaviour is important not only for your body image, but also for your self-confidence and self-esteem.

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