Affirmations for Beginners
- I am not perfect, but neither is so and so.
- If my friends can do this, then I can at least give it a try.
- I do not know if I can do this, but I will try, and I will give it my best.
- I try new things, even when I’m unsure if I can succeed. It allows me to learn and grow.
- Even when I fail, I remind myself it’s simply another opportunity to learn.
- I have many great qualities, I should believe in myself more.
- My boss gives me extra projects because he/she believes I’m good at my job, so I should too.
- I will build on my strengths.

Intermediate Affirmations
- I’m not perfect, and I accept that about myself.
- If my friends can do this, then so can I.
- I believe in myself and give it my best.
- Without failure there can be no growth, so I am not afraid of failure anymore.
- I believe that I can do this. I believe in myself.
- I believe that I can do the job better than my team mates.
- I see the strengths in myself and I build on them.

Advanced Affirmations
- I am not perfect, and I don’t care. Why should I be?
- I don’t need to compare myself to others anymore, I already know my strengths.
- I got this.
- Failure no longer bothers me, it’s just another opportunity to learn.
- Without failure I wouldn’t be such an expert today.
- I’m successful at everything I do.
- I’ve already proven I’m the girl for the job.
- I am great at my job. Bring on the next project.
- I know I can do this.
- I am amazing.
- I know that I can do anything.
- I am successful in everything I do. Fact.

You can learn more about Affirmations and how to use them effectively by checking out this article I wrote a while ago.